CJSF Information and Application

What is CJSF?

The purpose of the California Junior Scholarship Federation, a state-wide organization of over 600 chapters, is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of California's public and private junior high and middle schools.


What are the benefits of CJSF membership?

CJSF prepares the student for CSF membership in high school. Membership also brings with it the opportunity to participate in activities which benefit the school, the community, and the student.


Who is eligible to apply?

CJSF is open to 7th and 8th graders. (Seventh graders are only eligible during second semester).

Students need to earn a minimum of 10 points on their semester report card in 4 core academic courses (math, language arts, science, and social studies) to be eligible.

* Report cards grades: A = 3 points, B = 1 points, no points for grades C and below

* Ds or Fs in any course disqualifies a student from semester

* 3s or 4s in citizenship disqualifies a student from membership


What do I need to turn in to join CJSF?

* Semester report card from Aeries. It must show your citizenship grades.

* There is no fee associated with CJSF membership


What is Honor Membership?

To obtain honor membership, you must qualify and apply for membership three out of the four semesters during 7th and 8th grade.times. If honor membership is earned, honor members will be awarded an honor pin at the end of their 8th grade year. In addition, honor members will have the option of purchasing an official honor certificate and blue cords that can be worn at promotion. Both the certificate and cords are OPTIONAL items and are NOT required for honor membership.


When are applications accepted?

Applications are accepted twice a year. In the Fall (usually mid September) the first membership drive is held. At this time, only 8th graders can apply. Acceptance is based on grades/citizenship from the second semester of 7th grade. The second membership drive is held at the beginning of Spring semester (usually in February). At this time, 7th and 8th graders can apply. Acceptance is based on the student’s first semester report card.


Do you accept late applications?

Unfortunately no. In the bylaws of the state organization of CJSF it specifically states that late applications may not be accepted. Chapters that do so can lose their membership. Turning applications in on time is part of being in CJSF. Please plan ahead, stay informed, pay attention to the school broadcasts, and don't forget!



Fall 2024 Application Form

How to Find Your Grades WITH Citizenship on AERIES